Sunday, May 21, 2023

How to draft a leave policy as per applicable employment and labor laws in India

Any organization, regardless of its size or sector, needs a thorough leave policy to prevent employees from taking unapproved time off and to ensure that it complies with regional and federal labor laws.

A good leave policy specifies the numerous types of leaves that employees are entitled to, how frequently they can use them when their leave requests must be submitted for approval, who authorizes them, and what happens after they use up all of their remaining leave balances. The law policy should be designed only as per prevailing labor laws. Here's a brief explanation of the key leave laws in India:

•  Factories Act of 1948

The Factories Act of 1948 has the welfare of factory workers at heart and strives to safeguard their interests when it comes to working conditions. Section 79 of the act mandates that organizations provide earned leaves to employees who've worked for at least 240 days in the previous calendar year. According to this section, adult employees must earn leave for every 20 days of work, and juvenile employees must earn leave for every 15 days of work. The earned leave days that employees are entitled to are not influenced by public holidays.

•  Industrial Establishments (National And Festival Holidays) Act

Under the National and Festival Holidays Act, every organization in India has to provide leave on January 26 for Republic Day, August 15 for Independence Day, and October 2 for Gandhi Jayanthi. For other festivals, the state can decide if employees should work or not. For instance, Delhi follows the Punjab Industrial Establishment (National And Festival Holidays) Act. As per the act, every employee is entitled to three national holidays and a minimum of four holidays for other festivals. Similarly, the Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishment (National And Festival Holidays) Act requires organizations to provide four national holidays and five festival holidays. Organizations must decide on national and festival holidays based on local laws.

•  Maternity Benefit Amendment Act 2017

The Maternity Benefit Amendment Act of 2017 brought about progressive changes to the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 in order to empower working mothers. It entitles every mother to 26 weeks of paid leave, during which time they can recover from childbirth and take care of their newborns without having to quit their job. For the first two children, they receive 26 weeks of paid leave, and beyond that, they receive 12 weeks of paid leave. In the case of adoption, working women are entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave if the child is less than three months old. To use this benefit, the employee must have worked for at least 80 days.

•  Shops and Establishments Act

The Shops and Establishments Act applies to every state in India; however, the regulations mentioned in the act differ from state to state. For instance, the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act allows employees to take 24 hours of rest a week. Organizations shall provide a maximum of 15 days of earned leave if an employee has been employed continuously for a year. Similarly, every employee is entitled to a minimum of 12 sick leaves per year.

posh Lawyers in Delhi

Monday, May 15, 2023

Draft Work From Home Policy in India as per Legal Norms


Employment lawyers in India

Work-from-home policies are those that allow employees to conduct their business from their home or place of residence rather than an office.

A work-from-home policy is an arrangement between an employer and an employee that enables the employee to conduct business from the convenience of their home.

Although working from home can be difficult, it can be made easier with clear communication and policies that are made specifically for the jobs in question.

When establishing a work-from-home policy, the human resources department should be aware of the objectives and procedures of the employer. To ensure that the arrangement of working from home serves both the employee and the employer, the policy should be carefully written with specifics kept in mind.

An employee's ability to work from home is a big perk provided by their employer. Such privileges, however, need to be reserved for workers who merit them.

Additionally, not every job fits the structure of the work-from-home arrangement. a few jobs that call for on-site participation. Ensure that there are explicit rules stating who is eligible to get the work-from-home benefit and who is not.

Here are a few considerations you can make when choosing employees who will work remotely. Obtain input regarding the worker's dependability

Additionally, the worker ought to have a strong work ethic. Make sure to keep your biases separate. Recognize whether the worker has the resources to manage to work from home. Recognize whether their work history fits the position.

Make sure staff members understand the process for requesting the ability to work from home. They must be familiar with the application procedure. In addition, develop a rigorous procedure for any future authorizations needed by the employee to address issues in a priority manner
The employee's comprehension of the application process for the right to work from home should also be proved. You should specify the approval procedure for that.

Shiv Bhajan

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